English Synonyms Quiz 3

Test your vocabulary skills with the English synonyms quiz

Do you want to know how good your English is?

With our English synonyms quiz test, you will get an idea of ​​your knowledge of English synonyms and find out what you need to improve. The test consists of 20 short English synonyms questions with multiple-choice answers. We suggest you take 10 minutes to complete the test.



#1. Triumph

#2. Dubious

#3. Entice

#4. Engulf

#5. Drag

#6. Prevalent

#7. Lethal

#8. Rampant

#9. Exempt

#10. Fury

#11. Reticent

#12. Precarious

#13. Sterile

#14. Pensive

#15. Vindictive

#16. Lament

#17. Repudiate

#18. Adept

#19. Initiate

#20. Hind


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