List of Antonyms


Antonyms are words that have almost opposite meanings. Most words can have one or more antonyms. Every time you learn a new English word, try to find its antonyms. This is a good way to improve your vocabulary.

Word                                   Antonym

Absence                      t   Presence

Accept                        it   Refuse

Accurate                           Inaccurate

Advantage                        Disadvantage

Alive                          i  t   Dead

Ancient                        t     Modern

Answer                        s     Question

Approval                             Disapproval

Approached                     Receded

Abundant                   s       Scarce

Admit                                  Deny

Advance                              Retreat

Artificial                       s      Natural

Ascend                                Descend

Attack                                  Defense

Attention                s            Inattention

Asleep                                  Awake

Ally                                       Enemy

Agree                                  Disagree

Beginning                            Ending

Beautiful                              Ugly

Blunt                                        Sharp

Blame                               t      Praise

Bitter                                  s    Sweet

Borrow                                    Lend

Bravery                                   Cowardice

Broad                                       Narrow

Careful                                     Rush

Calm                                        Troubled

Capable                                    Incapable

Captivity                                  Freedom

Cheap                                       Dear

Clever                                      Stupid

Correct                                     Incorrect

Conceal                                    Reveal

Comfort                                    Discomfort

Courage                                    Cowardice

Cruel                                         kind

Courteous                                 Discourteous

Cunning                               s   Simple

Dainty                          i           Clumsy

Dark                                         Light

Deep                                        Shallow

Decrease                                  Increase

Demand                                   Supply

Despair                                    Hope

Disappear                                Appear

Dismal                                    Cheerful

Ebb                                         Flow

Encourage                              Discourage

Entrance                                 Exit

End                                  s     Beginning

Expand                                   Contract

Expensive                               Inexpensive

Fail                                         Succeed

Feeble                                    Sturdy

Foolish                                   Wise

Famous                                  Unknown

First                                       Last

Freedom                                Captivity

Frequent                                Seldom

Friend                                    Enemy

Fortunate                               Unfortunate

Frank                                     Secretive

Generous                               Mean

Gentle                                    Rough

Gloomy                                 Cheerful

Giant                                s    Dwarf

Happy                                    Sad

Harmful                                 Harmless

Hasten                                    Dawdle

Hate                                        Love

Healthy                                   Unhealthy

Horizontal                               Vertical

Hinder                                     Aid

Honest                                     Dishonest

Humble                              s    Proud

Hunger                                     Thirst

Immense                                   Tiny

Imprison                                   Free

Inferior                                     Superior

Interesting                                Uninteresting

Intentional                                Accidental

Justice                                       Injustice

Knowledge                               Ignorance

Lazy                                          Energetic

Little                                          Large

Lofty                                          Lowly

Misunderstand                           Understand

Possible                                      Impossible

Prudent                                       Imprudent

Rapid                                          Slow

Rigid                                          Gentle

Satisfactory                                Unsatisfactory

Scatter                                        Collect

Serious                                       Trivial

Sour                                            Sweet

Sorrow                                        Joy

Strong                                         Weak


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