Useful Synonyms List For IELTS

Useful Synonyms List For IELTS

Useful Synonyms List for IELTS helps to increase your IELTS vocabulary, a great way to increase your score on the test. Utilizing synonyms for frequent terms is among the simplest methods to accomplish this. Synonyms are similar-sounding terms that can be used in place of one word for another in sentences. Along with expanding one’s general vocabulary, synonyms are quite helpful for raising one’s IELTS score. score,

Here is a list of popular words with their synonyms that can really help you increase your IELTS score.

Amazing – Incredible, Fantastic, Fabulous, Astonishing, Extraordinary
Answer – Respond
Awful – Terrible, Abominable, Dreadful
Bad – Evil, Spoiled, Imperfect, Infamous, Dismal
Beautiful – Gorgeous, Ravishing, Dazzling, Exquisite, Stunning
Begin – Initiate, Commence, Inaugurate
Big – Huge, Enormous, Gigantic, Humongous, Substantial, Mammoth
Break – Rupture, Fracture, Shatter
Calm – Serence, Peace, Transquil
Come – Approach, Arrive
Cool – Chilly, Frosty, Icy
Cut – Chop, Slash, Slit
Dangerous – Hazardous, Risky, Precarious
Decide – Determine, Settle
Definite – Certain, Positive, Obvious
Delicious – Savoury, Titbit, Delectable
Describe – Portray, Characterise
Destroy – Demolish, Slay, Ruin, Raze
Difference – Disagreement, Inequity, Dissimilarity
Dull – Boring, Uninteresting, Monotonous, Humdrum, Dreary
End – Terminate, Conclude, Cessation
Explain – Elaborate, Interpret
Fall – Drop, Descend, Topple
Famous – Well-known, Renowned, Eminent, Illustrious
Fast – Ouick, Rapid, Hasty, Snappy
Fat – Stout, Corpulent, Chubby, Bulky
Funny – Amusing, Humorous, Droll
Get – Acquire, Obtain, Secure, Procure, Gather
Good – Excellent, Fine, Wonderful, Superior, Gracious, Superb, Splendid, Genuine, Sterling, Top-notch
Great – Worthy, Distinguished, Grand, Considerable, Mighty
Happy – Pleased, Delighted, Elated, Joyful, Ecstatic, Jubilant, Jaunty
Hate – Despise, Loathe, Abhor, Abominate
Have – Possess, Own, Acquire
Help – Aid, Assist, Support, Encourage, Relieve
Hide – Conceal, Cover, Mask, Veil
Idea – Thought, Concept, Notion
Important – Necessary, Vital, Critical, Indispensable, Valuable, Essential, Famous, Notable
Interesting – Fascinating, Engaging, Spirited, Intriguing, Gripping, Enthralling, Captivating
Little – Tiny, Diminutive, Exiguous, Dinky, Cramped
Look – Gaze, Glance, Peek, Glimpse, Stare, Leer
Love – Like, Admire, Fancy, Care for, Adore
Make – Create, Originate, Invent, Construct, Manufacture, Produce, Compose
Move – Plod, Creep, Crawl, Drag, Toddle, Shuffle, Trot, Lumber, Meander
Neat – Orderly, Tidy, Trim, Natty, Smart, Elegant
New – Unique, Modern, Current, Recent
Old – Feeble, Ancient, Aged, Veteran, Mature, Primitive, Stale
Place – Draw, Map, Diagram, Procedure, Method, Blueprint
Show – Display, Exhibit, Indicate, Reveal, Demonstrate
Tell – Disclose, Reveal, Expose, Narrate, Inform, Divulge
Use – Employ, Utilise, Exhaust, Spend
Wrong – Incorrect, Inaccurate, Mistaken, Erroneous, Improper, Unsuitable

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