Informal and Formal words list in English

Informal and Formal words list in English

What are informal and formal words in english?

Formal words in English may include words such as “commence,” “utilize,” “endeavor,” “pursue,” “facilitate,” and “implement.” These words are often used in business or academic settings and convey a sense of professionalism and formality.

Informal words in English may include words such as “start,” “use,” “try,” “do,” “help,” and “carry out.” These words are often used in casual or everyday conversation and convey a sense of informality and casualness.

Here are Informal and Formal words List in English

INFORMAL                                   FORMAL

Set up                                              Establish

Look at                                            Examine

Blow up                                           Explode

Find out                                           Discover

Bring about                                     Cause

Put off                                             Postpone

Go against                                      Oppose

Get in touch with                            Contact

Think about                                    Consider

Join in                                             Participate

Pay back                                         Reimburse

Get rid of                                        Eliminate

Put out                                            Extinguish

Let down                                        Disappoint

Ask                                                 Enquire

Ask for                                           Request

Book                                              Reserve

Check                                            Verify

Get                                                 Receive

Help                                               Assist

Need                                              Require

Tell                                                Inform

Say sorry                                       Apologise

Let                                                 Allow

Kids                                               Children

Build                                              Construct

Show                                              Display

Remove                                         Eliminate

Right                                             Correct

A bit                                              A little

Away                                             Absent

Speed up                                       Accelerate

Okay, ok                                      Acceptable

Help                                             Aid/Assist

Let                                                Allow

Call off                                         Cancel

Friendly                                        Amiable

Expect                                          Anticipate

Seem                                            Appear

Climb                                           Ascend

Beat up                                         Assault

Look into                                      Investigate

Idea                                               Notion

Put up                                            Tolerate

Keep                                              Retain

Whole                                            Entire

End                                                Terminate/Finish

Buy                                                Purchase

Give                                               Provide

Lucky                                             Fortunate

Cheap                                             Inexpensive

Clear                                              Transparent

Empty                                            Vacant

Crazy                                              Insane

Lack                                               Deficiency

Use                                                 Utilise

Take of                                           Remove

Break down                                    Collapse

Tired                                               Exhausted

A lot of                                           Numerous

Go after                                          Pursue

Go ahead                                        Proceed

Blow up                                         Explode

Find                                               Locate

Show                                             Demonstrate

Worse                                            Inferior

Better                                            Superior

Want                                              Desire

Check                                            Verify

So                                                  Therefore

Say no                                            Reject

Hungry                                           Famished

Choose                                           Select

Buy                                                 Purchase

Give                                                Provide

Free (v)                                           Release

Look for                                          Seek-search

Maybe                                             Perhaps

Sight                                                Vision

Dim                                                  Indistinct

Use                                                   Consume

Shorten                                             Decrease

Mainly                                              Principally

Mad                                                   Insane

Lucky                                                Fortunate

Say hello to                                       Give my regards to

Really big                                          Considerable

Refer to                                              Consult

Ring up                                              Call

Set out                                                Display

Show                                                  Demonstrate, illustrate, portray

Speak up                                             Address

Mend                                                   Repair

Plus/also                                              Moreover

Point out                                              Indicate

Put up with                                          Tolerate

Put/set down                                        Deposit

Rack up                                                Accumulate

Call on                                                  Visit

Childish                                                Immature

So                                                         Therefore

Look for                                               Seek/Search

I think                                                   In my opinion

To sum up                                             In conclusion

In the end                                              Finally

But                                                        However

Indicate                                                 Point out

Consider                                               Think about

Start                                                      Commence

Use                                                       Consume

Kids                                                      Children

Call off                                                  Cancel

Go up                                                     Increase

Tough                                                    Difficult

Book                                                      Reserve

Avoid                                                     Evade

Give up                                                  Quit

Sick                                                        Ill

Idea                                                        Notion

Anyway                                                 Nevertheless

All right                                                 Acceptable

Dare                                                       Challenge

Lack                                                       Deficiency

Hurt                                                        Damage

Whole                                                     Entire

Blow up                                                  Explore

Thanks                                                    Gratitude

Hopeful                                                   Futile

Call on                                                     Visit

Whole                                                      Complete

Free                                                          Liberate

Job                                                           Occupation

Dad                                                           Father

Stand for                                                   Represent

Leave out                                                  Omit

Childish                                                     Infantile

Exceptional                                               Marvelous

Faithfulness                                               Fidelity

Fill in                                                         Substitute, inform

Free                                                            Release

From (company)                                        On the behalf of

Go out of                                                    Exit

It’s about                                                     It concerns, it’s in regards to

Keep up                                                      Maintain properly

Lead to                                                       Cause

Take away/take out                                     Remove

Throw away                                                Discard

Throw out                                                    Eject

Get on someone’s nerves                             Bother

Give in                                                         Yield

Give the go ahead                                        Authorize

Give/bring back                                            Return

Go ahead                                                       Proceed

Go away                                                        Leave/depart

Go before                                                      Precede

Can                                                                Is capable of

Come/go in                                                    Enter

Could                                                             Might be able to

Drop out of                                                    Withdraw (from)

Enjoyment                                                      Gratification

Rack up                                                           Accumulate

Try                                                                  Endeavour

Deal with                                                        Handle

Wait for                                                           Await

Go                                                                   Depart

Fight                                                               Combat

Use/Eat                                                           Consume

Explain                                                           Disclose

Afraid                                                             Fearful

Say                                                                 Express

Wrong                                                            Incorrect

At first                                                            Initially

Bright/Smart                                                   Intelligent



Formal Vs Informal English

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