Intro questions
1. How often do you take photographs?
– Almost everyday with the recently it’s quite easy to take photographs with the smartphone, and as I have two small children I take photographs of them almost every day.
2. What things do you like to photograph?
– Recently, my children when they play in the park I like to take pictures of new things they do, like when they do something different from the day before, when they start to walk and stuff like that. I also take a lot of pictures at work. I’m professor so I take pictures of my student’s homeworks for instance, then I can put them in my personal computer afterwards, so I use photographs as a professional tool.
3. Do you ever take selfies?
– No, that’s not my cup of tea. I’m not very photogenic.
4. What do you do with the photos you take?
– That’s a good question. Some of them I share with my family with some dedicated applications, some of them like the picture I take for work, I send them to myself then I put them in some files to do some grades and most of the pictures normally stored in the smartphone.
5. How do you usually contact your friends?
– Recently, most of the time I use chat application, SNS kind of applications, line or messenger. Even for friends that are close to me I almost never phoned to them, I used to but now I use mostly text messages, and sometimes mails when the topic is a bit deeper but most of the time with messages.
6. Do you make phone calls often?
– Not really. I make phone calls to my wife when we need to discuss some urgent matters but very short like one minute phone calls. I also phone my colleagues when we need to discuss the same urgent matters but most of the time I don’t use the phone. I receive phone calls from work, but I don’t really use it.
7. In what ways do you use social media to communicate?
– To contact my friends or my family, also we have like groups, I mean group on diverse applications. I’m more like for other applications like Facebook, I’m more like a passive user. I read the content but I don’t really put so many contents on the SNS. So basically it’s to communicate with friends and to see what they are doing like Facebook.
8. Do a lot of tourists visit your country?
– My country, France is the probably the most visited country in the world. I think for tourist so many years.
9. What are the most popular places to visit?
– In France, probably the Eiffel Tower, or the Palace of Versailles, also the sea niss in the southern part of France, you also have the Mont Saint-Michel like a famous bay and a bay from the middle ages which is quite famous too. France has a lot of different landscapes, a lot of history too, a lot of food to share so it’s quite easy to find you, what you want to visit.
10. How important is tourism to the economy of your region?
– My whole region also has quite many places to visit, historical places also the seaside it’s quite famous in France. I’m from Brittany, so it’s the western part of France. And in summertime we are somehow invaded by people that are not from there. So it’s an important part of me. Especially for maybe small villages on the seaside. Without tourists probably they would not be that good probably.
11. What attractions in your area would you recommend tourists to visit?
– I would recommend to go to Mort Saint-Michel. So from my home time it’s only one hour by bus, by car, go to Saint-Malo. Saint-Malo is a like a pirate city so a lot of pirates used to live there. Official pirates not only good pirates but also you have Carnac, who has very old stones from the prehistory. You can also go to the forest where King Arthur was said to have lived in with Merlin the wizard. Many things you can visit.