Describe a person you know who is kind

Intro Questions
1. How well do you know your neighbours?
– I have a very good relationship with my neighbours. I live on the first floor and then on the fourth floor there are like five different houses. We always share our food, we go out together sometimes, and especially my mom has a really strong relationship with them, so whenever my mom cooks really delicious food, my mom always asked me to deliver the food to our neighbours.

2. How often do you see each other?
– Almost every day and whenever we meet in front of door or in elevator we say hello or anything. We talk about our things together. So I really like them.

3. What kind of relationship do you have with them?
– As I said, we shared our food and also on special occasion like birthday, if someone’s birthday we get some presents like boxes of delicious fruits or fruit baskets and then sometimes my mom take them to the café, and they have really good conversation, sometimes I joined.

4. Have you ever had a problem with a neighbour?
– Not really but the people live upstairs on our house, sometimes we have some problem with the noise because there’s a like children, and then sometimes they just run around their room, and then it sometimes bothered me so I called them and then but we tried to solve the problem with peaceful way, so it was good.

5. Do you have a pet?
– Yes, I have a pet. I have a dog, he’s three years old, and then he’s a male, and I really like him. His name is Dollar and he’s Pomelanian. I really enjoy walking every morning and he always makes me happy.

6. What type of animals do you think make the best pets?
– I personally think that a dog is the best pet to have because comparing to cats and other animals, I think dog is more friendly and then always give loves to people without any reason, so I think like having a dog is the best option for people.

7. What does your typical morning look like?
– Every day I wake up at 6:00 am and then I do a little bit of yoga for like 20 minutes, and recently I tried to meditation every day for five minutes and after that I’ll eat breakfast and while listening to podcasts.  

8. What would you like to change about your morning routine or your daily routine?
– So I think my sleeping habit is not as good as the past because before sleeping I always check my social media and smartphone and then emails and I think that affect my quality of sleep, so I want to stop doing that. Instead of that, I want to do like some stretching or some yoga before sleep, that might be good for my health.

9. Do you think breakfast is important?
– Yes, I heard that breakfast is really good for our mental health and the brain so I try not to skip breakfast every day.

10. What is the best thing about your morning routine at the weekend?
– I like to walk with my dog in the morning on the weekend, it makes me really peaceful and relieve my stress so I think I really liking walking with my dog on the weekend.

Cue Card
Describe a person you know who is kind
You should say:
Who it is
How you know this person
What sort of person they are
And explain why you think they are kind

I want to introduce my boss, I work in a digital marketing company and then he is my boss who is an Australian. I think he is really kind boss and he has great leadership and he never get upset toward the colleagues including me, and he always encouraged us to work more but not hard, He also motivate us to do better for our clients but he always understands whenever I make mistakes, he tried to solve the problem with me and always we tried to think about the solution, what we can do and then also he helped me to move forward, so I think he is the kind person, and I worked with him for two years, but for two years we have really good relationship, and sometimes after work he give me advice about my future, so that’s really good time and then at the time we just have a casual conversations that also makes me feel I like to work in my company. So someday I want to be the kind of senior staff like him.

Follow ups:
1. What type of relationships, other than with friends or family, are important in people’s lives?
– I think the work relationship. Relationship with colleagues is really important because every day we need to go to work and then we spend most of our time with them, and they are not our friends, they’re not my family so there’s always like boundaries we need to protect. So I think the making good relationship with colleagues in the work environment is really important.

2. What is the attitude towards marriage in your country?
– I think in my country marriage is really important life events and there are many people that if you turn in specific age you need to do marriage, but I heard that recently young people they think that marriage is not we need to do so they sometimes just choose to live alone and then they just enjoy their own lives. So even though I’m married but I think I agree with their opinions and then that I think that’s a good idea like comparing to like marriage, living alone they enjoy their times. It might be a good idea to live their life.

3. How have attitudes changed towards marriage in the past 50 years in your country?
– As I mentioned, many people just married to someone because parents keep them pressure on them but I think recently more like open mind toward like marriage. Someone doesn’t need someone doesn’t need to do marriage at some point in like specific age. Some people can marriage at like 60 years, 50 years that doesn’t matter so I think people recently get more open-minded toward relationship, and our stereotype, pickle thinking might be a little bit changes. I think that’s positive way and then that‘s good attitude.

4. Do young people in your country plan on getting married?
– I think 10 or 15 years ago young people usually plan to get married after getting a job but I think recently people change it and they prefer like natural way to meet someone and they get married and I think they want to enjoy their lives more and after getting a job, they finally have some financial freedom and they want to use money for their own lives not for marriage, but I think they try to plan on their marriage.

5. In your opinion should couples be allowed to get divorced?
– Of course, I heard that in Korea recently the rate of divorce increased and then I think divorcing is totally the choice of people. So if they can satisfy their marriage in life, they can totally get divorced with their partner and they can find better people for them. I think society currently allow their kind of diversity culture.

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