IELTS Speaking Intro Questions

 Intro Question
1. What is the weather like where you live?
– I live in Melbourne and currently it’s very hot. We are coming into the summer now and so the weather’s changing. It was really cold just a couple weeks ago, I had to have huge jackets on, but now I’m just wearing this hoodie, it’s not a hoodie but it’s just a pullover cardigan and I think it’s pretty hard, I’m like sweating so but yeah, it’s a hood day.

2. Do you like this kind of weather?
– I do. Because it’s reminiscent of where I come from. So I come from Myanmar, it’s very hot and humid, so I’m naturally acclimatized to generally warmer weathers. So when I’m in Melbourne and it’s the winter I usually get very cold and I have many layers on. So when it’s warmer I feel at home, I feel at ease, I feel a little bit uncomfortable because of the sweat but that’s just natural to me I guess.

3. Have you ever seen the snow?
– I have actually, when I was a kid we, me and my parents lived here in Melbourne and so we went on a trip to Mount Gambier I think it was, and so that’s like a mountain with like snow on the top and it’s like a tourist destination you can go skiing and stuff like that so that’s the first and only time I’ve seen snow. I’ve got to say it’s a little bit different from how it looks like in the movies. In real like because a lot of the snow melts that it’s like muddy and it’s like brownish so it’s not as pleasant as in the movies but, I did definitely enjoy it.

4. Do you normally pay by cash or card?
– Well it depends where I am. In Myanmar we haven’t sort of implemented cardless technology as much as here in Melbourne, so if I’m in Myanmar I’ll pay for everything with cash but in Melbourne I just pay by card because it’s so much easier. I have my card  on my phone, so I don’t have to carry my wallet around and so I just paid my phone.

5. Have you ever found money in street?
– I have but not recently. So it was, I remember vividly when I was in high school, I saw $50 on the ground and as a high school student that was a lot of money. And so I could buy like lots of things, I could spend it on video games but my dad always told me that like you don’t take or spend what doesn’t belong to you, so I handed it into lost property in high school and I don’t have any other memories of finding cash on the ground.

6. Have you ever lost some money?
– Definitely, I’ve lost a lot of money. I like to think of myself as a very organized person and I usually put all my cash into my wallet, but sometimes I’ll just because of convenience because like in Melbourne you use coins a lot, so I just chuck them in my pocket and then the pan, my trousers go in the washer or something and I lose coins. I lose a lot of coins and when I was in high school this one time I dropped my wallet and that was huge for me because like I’m big into saving, I was always big into savings so I had all my savings in my wallet, dropped it at a shopping center in Melbourne, while it got returned, my wallet got returned to lost property in the shopping mall but all of the cash was taken out so yeah, it is what it is.

7. Do you like horses?
– I love horses. I think horses are great. I’ve always wanted to own a horse but I haven’t had well, I mean the financial means but also like a place where like the horse could you know, live a good life I guess. You know run around exercise and things like that. I love it when I go back to Chin state and I see horses. I’ve ridden them a couple times, I’m not very good at it. And it’s also interesting sort of looking at and like being next to horses in different regions of the world. So like Myanmar, our horses are much shorter, I guess like our people I guess I’m pretty short, but when you come into the, when you come into Australia and like to Melbourne the policemen, there’s mounted police so they ride horses and their horses are huge, they’re like taller than me, and they’re very scary.

8. Have you ever ridden a horse?
– Yeah I have. I’m in Chin state, we do have horses primarily because until recently roads were very underdeveloped so you needed horses and carts to go around like ox drawn carts and things like that, so we did have a lot of horses and I have ridden a horse but like not by myself you know, I have like the trained person next to me like pulling the horse, but that’s about it.

9. When was this?
– This was before I came to Australia so that would have been about five years ago I think? Yeah, so it’s been a while.

10. Would you like to ride a horse in the future?
– Yes 100%, once I have a good Korean I’m hoping I’ll run into lots of memory in the future, then I plan to either have my own horse or like adopt one and have someone take care of it for me and I just really like the idea of owning a horse. I guess it’s like a childhood like dream. Like a lot of people when their children dream of like having a pony and stuff, for me it’s like a big stallion that I can ride into battle or something like that.

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