Describe a language you have studied.

Intro Questions

1. Where did you grow up?
– I grew up in Hoshiarpur, which is located in the north-east direction of Punjab province.

2. Do you have lots of memories from childhood?
– Yes, probably bit mainly about school. So school life and also family life that’s all.

3. Did you have many toys as a child?
– Yes and I suppose I love like opposed to normal boys. I love guns and I love like fencing so that’s my toys during childhood not many cars.

4. Do you have rivers or lakes where you live?
– Yes, like even in Ontario like we have the Lake Huron which is so beautiful and I just love to have a walk after dinner.

5. Is there a river or lake you enjoy visiting?
– Yes, I love Lake Huron and also we have another lake called Lake Erie.

6. Are you normally late?
– No, I’m punctual I suppose. I’m usually early.

7. Do you have friends who are always late?
– Yes, of course. There are few boys who are always late, like last week me and Sam we plan to go shopping but then like he run 30 minutes late and that was awful.

8. Do you tend to go to bed late or early?
– I try to go to bed early but like in, in fact I’m going to bed pretty late and especially in holidays, you just don’t have any plans for tomorrow so you can sleep until noon, so no pressure and then just figure out suddenly you find yourself 2 p.m. or 2 a.m. in morning.

Cue card
Describe a language you have studied.
You should say:
– Which language this is
– What is difficult about this language
– When you started learning this language and say why you decided to learn this language.

I took a French class in the University of Montreal since last semester and so I’m learning French now. We have a two-hour tutorial per week but we have two tutorials. So each week you spend like four hours in class but you need probably another four hours to prepare and to review your study. French is so difficult especially when you’re not familiar with the most European languages like German or anything like that. And especially for its tenses like not similar to English. Like it has about more than 10 tenses so it’s really difficult to know how to like, the variations of the verb and also the structure of the sentences is different with English. Especially when you have English in your mind like to do translation is the biggest mistake to do French. And also like pronunciation is so difficult as well but I mean I know that for every language like if you’re not a native speaker pronunciation is a very big problem but French and Italian is especially difficult is because they have some little sound with their I don’t know tongue and you probably need to row a tongue to do that, and it’s so hard to do the ‘r’ sound. Also I start this course one year ago so I’ve already learned a year and I could basically have conversations with people but not really difficult in depth like conversations. And I decided to learn this language because when I used to grow up in England, I had a lot of French friends like who study like in England and they often do small talk in French and really want to understand what are you talking about. So that triggered me to know yeah I want to learn this language.

Follow ups
1. Do you think countries should preserve their original language?
– Yes, of course they should preserve their original language but they also need to accept new languages as well because we are living in a multicultural world, you can’t just preserve one language but without accepting new languages and especially for some small countries like people are nowadays just getting so used to using English as academic language or otherwise but you really need to keep your home language like as much as possible, I would say that.

2. Are there any advantages to everyone speaking the same language?
– Yes, of course. I mean just took example of English like if we are using English mostly as academic language we can share essay we can share research result and which will improve communications across the world and also reduce some kind of barriers and cultural shorts and because you could explain your ideas and mindsets to other people, other than people in your country.

3. Why do some people start learning language but quit so quickly?
– Probably, they want to like travel to somewhere and learning the language and before you travel to a place shows some kind of respect like especially when you go to a new country like you really need to know how to say hello, how to say thank you, how to say sorry and that’s a like, that’s being respectful.

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