The Law of attraction

The Law of attraction

The Law of Attraction means, ‘The power to attract what you desire in your life.’ According to this principle, whatever you get is the result of what you trust and think. The rule of law of attraction states that whatever you feel and believe, you get it. The Law of Attraction utilize the power of the mind to turn your beliefs into reality.

How does the law of attraction work?

The law of attraction is one of life’s greatest mysteries. The principle of attraction is like a magnet. You are granted with what you attract. It is a kind of prayer in which you make a social exchange between the conscious and subconscious states of mind.

Our mind is divided into two parts 1. Conscious, and 2. Subconscious. 

Even though they are part of one mind, but they do not learn things the same way. 

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is only 10% of the whole brain. Whenever you think with awareness is the conscious mind and whatever you imagine, it settles in your subconscious mind. 

The conscious mind is the condition of the brain that decides with an awakened mind. For example, you decide to go shopping, choose your friends, attire, books. The conscious mind works only as long as we are open-eyed or conscious. Therefore, the use of the conscious mind is only 10%.

Subconscious Mind 

The subconscious mind is 90% of our brain. Our subconscious mind works without any break, 24 hours, even while we are asleep. The subconscious mind does not understand any reason and distinguishes between right and wrong. In simple words you can say, your Subconscious mind is an adopter. Be it right or not. It adopts everything that you feed it.

The subconscious mind builds your reflection according to your nature.

Once the subconscious mind receives an idea, it starts to make it function. The subconscious mind works on both good and bad views.

The subconscious mind has limitless strength inside us. With the use of it, we can transform our lives according to our desires. 

How beliefs can become reality?

The principle of attraction works when you spend your most attention on a belief or thought. In simple words, all of your views ultimately turn into reality. If you focus on adverse things, you will face negativity in your life. If you focus on optimistic opinions and have dreams that you want to accomplish, you will find a way to reach them. You are the creator of your destiny with the help of your beliefs.

The law of attraction is the power of a universe that even scientists agree with, as you all know that currently everything in the universe is made of one energy. So, everything in the world is energy. When we think about something, energy comes out of us. Now it relies on you whether you want to be optimistic or pessimistic because this energy works according to your thinking. 

If the energy that comes out is positive, then that positive energy will start to meet with matching vibes, and you will start getting what you think. On the opposite side, if you feel negative, you will consistently attract such energy towards you. 

Law of Attraction says that anything that can be visualized is achievable.

For Example 

If you start thinking that money comes to you easily or you get a job easily or you learn new things so fast, the law of attraction will transform all of it into reality. 

This is why the universe is such an unbelievably fantastic place. Very few people would acknowledge that whatever is happening in their life is the outcome of the principle of attraction and their beliefs. We act as human magnets that send our thoughts and sensations into the universe and attract alike energy.

Many people cannot accomplish what they desire in their life. The main explanation after not acquiring what they want is a lack of belief. You acquire what you desire, only when you believe in it. The basic rule of law of attraction is to have belief and conviction. You will not get anything if you do not have trust in it.

How to use law of attraction?

Be aware of your beliefs

Start analyzing from today what you believe in and ask yourself whatever you believe in is benefitting you in any way? If not, then start making a change in your beliefs.

Practice gratitude

Start feeling more thankful, and grateful for the good things in your life. Notice good things in others around you, appreciate them. 

Start creating a positive mindset. You cannot draw positive energy towards you until you are not ready to release it. 

Use affirmation

It’s hard to forget a negative belief immediately, but you can easily reformulate these negative thoughts and make them a new “truth” and believe it. Affirmations play a part and parcel tool to do this. They are very powerful to guide your thinking and life in the right direction. So, always try to say positive things like I am strong, I am happy, my dreams will come true. Positive affirmations illustrate your subconscious mind what you want and where you want to go.

Make a vision board

You have to share your wishes with the universe. The universe doesn’t know what you want and what your expectations are from life. So, make a vision about your desires and imagine it regularly without any doubt, this way you will be able to attract everything you want in life. 

Change your behavior

There are so many wrong habits we adopt while growing up, which become a hurdle in the process of attracting the right things towards us. So, if you really want to attract what you need, you have to unlearn all the wrong things we learned while growing up.

Take action

Last but not the least, for anything to make it work, you have to take action. So, to make your life positive, you have to take action. Here are a few tips to take action, avoid using negative words, be specific about what you want from life and the world, and treat yourself with love and respect.

You cannot expect to get the result as soon as you start following the law of attraction. You need to practice hard if you want the law of attraction to work out for you.

In the end, I would like to say that you get what you think. So, if you want to achieve something, use to power of the law of attraction. It works.


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