

Nowadays, meditation is getting more and more well-liked. Around the world, meditation is improving a lot of lives. However, a lot of individuals are still unaware of what meditation is and its benefits and drawbacks.

Simply said, meditation benefits the mind in the same way that physical activity benefits the body.

Similar to how many individuals practise exercise, yoga, or go for walks to maintain their physical health, many people also meditate to keep their mental health in check. So, we might conclude that meditation is nothing more than mental exercise.

What alterations are brought about by meditation?

We can connect with our inner spirit through meditation. Increased self-awareness and a greater knowledge of our emotions are the goals of meditation.

Many people will answer “yeah, why not” if you’re not sure whether you should meditate or not, but everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, before beginning to meditate, allow me to outline all the benefits and drawbacks associated with it so that you may decide whether it is right for you or not.

The benefits of meditating

Aids in reducing stress
The main benefit of meditation is that it can help you control the stress that life continuously throws at you. We all lead hectic lives, therefore meditation serves as a reset button that allows you to refresh yourself with its assistance and feel renewed afterward.

Meditation increases positivity
Because there are so many pessimistic people around us, it can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook on life. Even though it is difficult to get rid of negative individuals, we can nonetheless start meditating as a different approach to dealing with them. Although meditation won’t make bad people disappear from life, it will give us the strength to deal with them more effectively.

Support for maintaining present-focusedness
The majority of the time, we are either anxious about the future or perpetually regret the past. It might be challenging to maintain present-moment focus in this competitive world. But because meditation enhances our capacity for decision-making, it will assist you in maintaining present-moment awareness.

Benefits of meditation for health
The advantages of meditation extend beyond mental wellness. But meditation also has a lot of health advantages. For instance: It lessens anxiety, depression, body aches brought on by stress or strain, cures sleep problems, Controlling excessive blood pressure, easing tension headaches, and heart-related problems are all greatly aided by this.

(Disclaimer: Before beginning meditation, consult your doctor as meditation can exacerbate the symptoms of some medical conditions.)

Meditation raises one’s level of patience and tolerance.
When your mental health is in good shape, you will feel less stressed, sleep well, and eventually have more tolerance and patience.

Starting to meditate is not difficult.
Who wouldn’t want to begin practising meditation after learning about all its advantages? Everyone would, I suppose, want to start it. But is it challenging to start? Does it cost more, no? In no way. In actuality, there is no charge. Do you need to go somewhere in particular to meditate? No. The benefit of meditation is that it can be done anywhere.

Our emotional health improves with meditation.
Scientific research has shown that practising meditation can help us feel less anxious, which benefits our emotional well-being. It lessens our sense of dread and loneliness, which raises our sense of self-worth, acceptance, and inner tranquilly.

Regular meditation practise also reduces impulsive behaviour.

A meditation myth
Some claim that you can reap the advantages right away. Some claim that it takes years for meditation to pay off. However, I would add that it depends on how committed you are to engaging in meditation.

Let us now discuss the disadvantages of meditation.

Disadvantages of meditation:

Practicing meditation is absolutely safe and has been encouraged for many years. There are no known negative medical side effects of meditation yet.
But that does not mean it will not affect anyone in the world. For some individuals, meditation may be disadvantageous and discomforting.

Meditation sometimes brings up old hurt/ scars back in mind. Basically, meditation is to keep our mind clear but sometimes past unresolved issues and tension tend to take place back in our head. Things that you thought you have forgotten may make their way back into your conscious mind. This can be old emotional trauma or memory.

Sometimes you may feel like meditation did not work
Many people have the perfect idea about meditation that once they will start meditating, they will be great decision-makers, stop getting angry, won’t be stressed out or anxious. But that is not the reality of meditation. At least, not at the beginning of it.

Never expect a perfect image while practicing meditation. It may take years of practice to keep things aligned.

There are different types of meditation for everyone
There might come a time when you will feel like the type of meditation you are practicing is not working for you, and that is completely fine.

You will have to explore yourself a lot to finally understand which type of meditation is working for you.

It is time-consuming too, but I must say it is worth time investing in.
It requires commitment
You cannot give random time to meditation and expect desirable and positive results.

Meditation requires commitment and complete attention. To maximize the benefits of meditation, you must practice meditation regularly for 20-30 minutes daily at the same time.

There are many ups and downs we face while practicing meditation. There might come a time when you will start feeling frustrated because sometimes, meditation brings back all the bad memories and experiences in your head. Which might make it difficult to handle yourself, but that would be your breakeven point.

Let us take an example: When there is an injury anywhere on our body, we apply medicine on it, due to which we feel a lot of pain, even then we apply medicine because we know that with this medicine we will get well soon. In the same way, meditation is medicine to balance our mind, sometimes our brain will resist this medicine, but in the end, we know that it is good for us.

If meditating is challenging for you because of your high emotions, it is better to resolve those issues first.

Forgive yourself for distractions you will face during the meditation. Initially, everyone faces such a problem which is completely fine.

(In case you are unable to handle the emotions, it is advised to consult your doctor.)

Thank you.

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