

History is a store of knowledge and fascinating stories. Many people these days are mesmerized by our history and want to learn the stories of mankind. And why it should not be fascinated, as it is our story and journey. History defines us in a better way.

Why learning about history is important?

History explains to us how it shaped us for who we are today. History defines our cultural awareness and ethical awareness of the world.

There is a misconception about history that learning about history is all about learning about places, wars, events, times, and dates. But history is much more than this. Historians these days are more focused on why, when, and where types of questions.

Year by year people’s interest in searching the past is increasing that nowadays studying history is so popular that you can smoothly get a decent job in this field. There is numerous jobs profile that you can look up to after studying history. For example, Journalism, tourism, museums, NGOs, public history, etc.

Learning about history gives an overview of the world around us, and understanding from where the small things in our life originated. For example, politics, trains, airplanes, electricity, religion, etc. It is fascinating to know that every small thing in the world has some history.

If I say in simple words, history or the past is nothing but the sum of our present.

Now when you know how important it is to study history. Without any pause. Let us now talk about the pros of learning history.

Pros of learning history

History learning helps us to understand ourselves better

Like India, all the nations in the world are a collection of past stories. These stories shape our thoughts towards our country and ourselves. It helps us to understand where we actually fit in our country. History helps us understand how our nation, city, people sacrificed and created much-needed changes to be where we are today.

History also explains the beliefs we follow as a particular religion and the reason for such beliefs.

History makes us appreciate everything

Imagine what our life would have been if Thomas Edison would not have invented Bulb? Dark!

If people like him, would not have brought so many changes, you would not have been reading it on a phone or a laptop. History is full of such worth appreciating stories that will make you fall in love with your present and understand the worth of every single thing that you may take for granted today.

History helps us to become a better decision-maker

Whenever we make a mistake in life, we first analyze where we went wrong, so this is nothing but deep digging into our past mistakes so that we can learn from them and make better decisions in the future. Similar is the case of history, learning about the history and our ancestor’s mistakes makes us understand errors in a better way which eventually drives us to become better decisions- maker.

History helps us to understand the world better

Studying history gives us an idea about how our ancestors used to work. How technology, society, and government used to work and how are they working now. History gives us an outline of the transformations we have faced during the time and what, where, and how we made the mistakes. With the help of it, we learn from those mistakes and focus on creating a better future.

History inspired us in many ways to become a better person

India’s history is full of inspiring stories and some sad stories. Many of them are so uplifting that it is important to teach your child those lessons. In history, you will study the times of joy, grief, and important life lessons.

For example, how Shaheed Bhagat Singh gave up on his life at such a young age without any second thought, how our ancestors fought for our independence, the battle of Saragarhi, are such inspiring examples. In the end, we feel like, if they can do so much for their future generation, we can do better things too.

History teaches us to accept instability

Change is the only constant thing in all of our lives. When we learn about history, we see that how many changes have we already faced in our past and how gracefully our ancestors accepted those changes too. It gives us the courage to accept the changes now.  

Cons of learning history

It may cause sourness in relations

As we are aware of the war countries had in the past. It may cause sourness among the country that was part of the war. Moreover, if we talk about India, we all are aware of the Muslim Hindu riots during the India-Pakistan division. It may also refresh our wounds and spread more hatred.

Also, Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings where more than 1,29,000 and 2,26,000 people were killed respectively, these are also an example of such an occurrence.

May not be able to find genuine proof of the given fact

There are a lot of data available related to our history that does not have any authentic document supporting the truth. Sometimes the absence of supporting documents may feel like you are wasting your time in learning the history.

We may not feel relatable to the history

Our life is changing so rapidly that even if we talk about 10 or 15 years ago, we encounter so many changes in terms of lifestyle, technology, and other things. So, when we talk about long-term long history, we hardly find anything relatable that might not attract our interest.

A single thing may have a different opinion

Sometimes a single fact can have a different number of opinions when it comes to history which may become the reason for the clash. This clash will never have any judgment which, may continue to make clashes.

For example, some people say, God exists, and some contradict this statement.

History is a never-ending record if we count it of all the nations, wars, and people. It may not sound like a fairy tale, but it is filled with the stories of superheroes like, someone who stood for their country and died, bring the changes that they believed in, worked hard to bring the changes they thought are much needed in our society.

So, go and explore new things about history. You never know what change it may bring to you and your life too.

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