English Reading

What Is Reading?

“Reading” is the process of looking at a series of written characters and making meaning out of them. When we read, we use our eyes to perceive written characters (letters, punctuation and spaces), and we use our brain to transform them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that convey something to us.

Why learn to read English?

There are many practical reasons to practice reading in English. If you live, work or travel in an English-speaking nation, your English reading skills will be more neutral. You can quickly find the information you need without relying on anyone.

Why is it important to learn English to read

Reading in English can be used for more than practical purposes, such as buying a train ticket or food. If you learn to read English well, you will discover news articles, stories, and books. If you read more in English, you will have something to talk about because you will learn interesting facts and information. Reading connects you to the English-speaking culture. As you become better at reading English, you can really open your mind to the language and the people who speak it.

How reading can improve your English

As you practice reading in English, your other English skills will improve as well. You will learn new vocabulary words, see how different sentence structures are used, and practice your English in general. 

Reading improves your speaking skills in English.

When you read English, especially short stories or novels, you have a better understanding of how English speakers speak. You can also read popular science books that teach you how to speak English. From both fiction and non-fiction literature, you’ll learn common expressions, look at formal and everyday speech, and learn patterns that you can copy in your own English. It will give you more confidence when you speak English. Best thing, you can learn all this at your own pace. In addition, all of this reading will also give you many interesting topics for discussion. 

Reading improves writing in English.

Reading English lessons can make your written English more fluent. It will show you the written grammar rules in action. You will learn how to correctly use punctuation marks such as commas, periods, and quotation marks. Reading shows you how to write sentences that people can easily understand. Reading in English will also remind you of how to spell the words correctly, making it much easier to write. 

Benefits of English Reading

Mental stimulation – Research has shown that maintaining mental stimulation can slow (or perhaps even prevent) Alzheimer’s and dementia because keeping your brain active and active prevents it from losing energy. Like any other body part, the brain needs physical activity to stay strong and healthy, so the phrase “use it or lose it” is especially appropriate when it comes to the mind. Puzzle solving and games such as chess have also been found to help with cognitive stimulation.

Reduced stress – No matter how stressful you are at work, in personal relationships, or the myriad other challenges that come up in your day-to-day life, it all goes away when you lose yourself in a great story. A well-written novel can take you to other worlds, while an interesting article can lead you astray and put you in the moment, helping to reduce stress and relax.

Knowledge – What you read and which information store in your brain, and you never know when it might come in handy. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you will be to face any problem. Beyond that, there’s some food for thought: If you ever find yourself in dire situations, remember that although you may lose everything—your job, property, money, and even health— You will never be robbed of your knowledge.

Enhance vocabulary – The more you read, the more words you hear, and they will inevitably end up in your everyday vocabulary. Being clear and speaking well is very helpful in any profession, and knowing that you can speak with your boss with confidence can greatly increase your self-esteem. It might even help your career, as well-read, well-versed, and knowledgeable subjects tend to get promoted faster (and more often) than people with less vocabulary and literary knowledge. scientific discoveries and world events. 

Improving Memory – As you read the book, you should be mindful of the classification of the characters, their backgrounds, ambitions, history and nuances, as well as the different plots and stories that run through each story. It’s nice to remember, but the brain is a wonderful thing, and it can remember these things with relative ease. Surprisingly, every new memory you create creates new synapses (brain pathways) and reinforces existing ones, which helps in recovering short-term memory as well as stabilizing mood.

Improved focus and concentration – In this techno driven world, attention is drawn from a million different directions at the same time as we perform multiple tasks at the identical time. In one 5-minute window, the average person will split their time between working on a task, checking email, chatting with multiple people following twitter, monitoring their smartphone, etc., and chatting with colleagues. This type of ADD-like behavior increases stress levels and decreases our productivity.

When you read a book, all your attention is focused on the story – the rest of the world just disappears, and you can dive into every little detail that you learn. Try reading 15-20 minutes before work (for example, in the morning when you are driving to work, if you are using public transport), and you will be surprised how much more focused you become when you get to the office. 

Most students have difficulty reading and understanding long and complex sentences and paragraphs. Breaking these long paragraphs into shorter sections will be more convenient for children and help them understand the text better. Here, they may need help from a parent or teacher to help them compile and make sense of the reading passages.

Developing reading skills among students can take time, but it is an effective way to develop them to open your mind to an endless world of knowledge and learning new things. You may want to take the time to discuss with them their readings and anything new they have encountered in the books that interest them. It could be a way of working together on their reading skills and a way of expressing their understanding. As a result, they will not only read better, but they will continue to expand their knowledge and learn about modern and new ideas every day, which in turn will contribute to a significant shaping of their personality.

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